All in God's Word

When Stress Arises . . . Pray

It had been one of those weeks where several things in our home were breaking down all at the same time. The dryer quit working, our sink drain was overflowing due to blockage and our garage ceiling was showing signs of a leak in our attic. It was a week of problems and stresses on top of a full schedule.

The Cord

Watching my daughter climb up the stairs making her way to the zipline, I could feel my palms starting to sweat and my nerves becoming anxious. She would glance over at me as she made her way up each landing and I would wave and shout how proud I was of her. I could tell she was just as nervous, but unlike her Mother, she chose to face her fears. 

God Is My Instructor

My youngest daughter woke up full of excitement to tell me about her dream. She was beaming as she explained to me in detail about this rainbow mermaid that she had in her dream and she had to have it. I listened with enthusiasm but told her lovingly that we were not going to buy her the rainbow mermaid. 

Words of Encouragement

My friend came to me asking for help. Her son’s illness and resulting difficulty had continued for years. She prayed repeatedly for his healing, but his condition remained the same. She was looking for answers to her questions and words of encouragement. 

A Vital Message

God calls people in every generation to proclaim His truth. Noah preached righteousness. Moses proclaimed God’s laws. Paul carried the gospel to the Gentiles. Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and Billy Graham have boldly proclaimed the truth of Jesus to recent generations. 


Sleep is the most precious commodity to a new mother. She will do just about anything to ensure her baby rests for as long as possible. Note on the door? Check. White noise machine? Purchased. Whisper and tiptoe. Obviously. 

Old Lies

As we stood at the sink washing Thanksgiving dishes, the family secret was revealed. My mom casually mentioned how sad she was when they “put Dudley down.” My hands stopped scrubbing as I turned to her in unbelief. More than 30 years ago, I had believed my parents’ story about our dear German Shepherd they would take to live “on a farm with lots of kids and dogs.”

Bean Soup: Day 1

Several years ago now, our little neighborhood Bible study piled in our cars and drove an hour to a nearby city. Our destination was a day-long conference led by a woman who for over forty years had been a world-impacting teacher and author of Bible studies.

Just Enough

Cleaning out the refrigerator can be a frustrating endeavor, tossing into the trash those uneaten leftovers or the bag of slimy lettuce or whatever that dried and shriveled thing used to be.