The Transformation

The Transformation

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6

Several years ago my cousin and his wife bought a fifty-year-old ranch style home. In spite of its dated interior, they loved the house and envisioned what it could become.

So, they got to work tearing down walls, replacing floors, and renovating everything. Eventually they transformed that house into a reflection of their taste and style.

God transforms us in much the same way. In spite of how messed up we are to begin with, He loves us and envisions what we can become. As soon as we belong to Him, He gets to work making us over into a reflection of Himself.

The apostle Paul wrote, …he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion… (Philippians 1:6). I believe God did that in Paul’s life. The good work began, strangely enough, when Paul was on road trip to arrest Christian believers. Along the way, he met Jesus. From that beginning, God began to transform Paul: the Christ-hater eventually became one who was totally devoted to the Savior.

I wasn’t exactly a Christ-hater when I met Jesus, but I was disgustingly full of myself. I needed a makeover. When I gave Christ ownership of my life, He began making me over to reflect Him.

Just like that house my cousin made over, I can’t take any credit for my transformation. God alone had the vision and the power to make the changes.

Happily, we believers can look forward God continuing to work on us and in us everyday.

Transformation is a never ending process and a great adventure.

Father, thank You for Your promise to complete a good work in us.


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