Why, Oh Lord?

Why, Oh Lord?

Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?

Habakkuk 1:3


I have a mental list of biblical characters I want to meet in heaven, and Habakkuk wasn’t on it—at least not until recently! His name sounded harsh, and I assumed it probably matched a typical prophet’s personality and message. Recently, though, I discovered some things about Habakkuk that drew me in, besides the fact he included a song in his prophecy. His Old Testament writing was unique in that he spoke to God on behalf of the people rather than speaking to the people on behalf of God. His format included three prayers and God’s three answers. Like Job, Habakkuk struggled with understanding God’s ways. He had lots of questions and was willing to present those “why” questions to God. 

In Habakkuk’s first prayer, he asked God a question we sometimes struggle with, “Why do You tolerate wrongdoing?” (Hab. 1:3). Surprisingly, God answered Habakkuk with instructions to look and observe and be utterly astonished. God did see and would be responding. God’s response, though, wasn’t going to be what Habakkuk expected. God’s justice was going to impact Habakkuk’s own world.

Whenever I hear of unjust actions causing suffering in the world, an aching-prayer often escapes my lips. I too want to ask, “Why, O Lord, do you tolerate wrongdoing?” I long for justice and for wrongs to be righted.

Knowing that God is a just God and will one day make all things right comforts my soul. I’ve also learned to follow my sighing-prayer with a whispered-prayer for those suffering injustices and for those who love them. I ask God to direct their hearts toward Him. I pray that in their darkest moments they will cry out to God just as the thief did on the cross. I ask for God to redeem the tragedies by bringing them to an eternal world free from injustice and filled with God’s tender love. 

Father, thank You that I can bring all my questions to you, even the hard ones, and trust that You will guide me through. 


Linda L.

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