Smart Bulbs

Smart Bulbs

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105


My husband travelling so much has turned into one of the toughest things about his new job. My fear of coming home alone in the dark made me almost not want to go out at night. Also, lying in bed and listening to the weird night noises made my fear escalate as well.

My husband’s discovery of Smart Bulbs has done a lot to relieve my anxiety. These light bulbs can be accessed from your phone. Now, if I go out by myself I can turn on the porch light, patio light, and some inside lights remotely. I do not have to come home to a dark house.

It is amazing how those smart bulbs have helped decrease my uneasiness. I almost have to laugh at myself at the faith I have in those silly modern bulbs.

Of course, my newfound confidence did not just come from the new bulbs; fervent prayer played an important role as well. Reading the Bible and praying through my fear of the darkness and weird night noises gave me much more courage.

Just like the lightbulb illuminated my physical darkness, God’s word lights up my journey of life. It directs me and guides me in the way I should go. It brings me direction and clarity. 

I am not on my path alone. Scripture goes with me like a map. It helps me figure out his will in my decision making processes and it helps me step out with assurance. I can face the uncertainty and “darkness” in life with faith. 

God, thank you for making your word so readily available. What a blessing to be able to see your words and hear your voice through them. You are the true Light to any darkness.


Susan P.



Hidden, Not Hidden

Hidden, Not Hidden