Hidden, Not Hidden

Hidden, Not Hidden

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11


Have you ever hidden something and forgotten where you put it? Not only did you conceal it from others, but also yourself. How frustrating! Not so with God’s word. When memorizing and cherishing his word in our hearts, accessing it effortlessly brings quite the opposite. It brings victory and peace.

I have hidden. I have tucked it away and locked it in. It remains where I put it. No need to search and search. Retrieval comes automatically.

I have hidden your word. God’s word, his voice, his character become my action plan. They resonate power beyond my mere human reasoning.

I have hidden your word in my heart – not just in my human mind, but in the depths of my heart, my soul. His word permeates my very being.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Oh, God, you have given me the perfect weapon against sin. All I have to do is pick it up, memorize it, and use it in the moment. 

My pride says, “I’ve got this!” Satan loves that answer because of the untruth of it. On the other hand he has no defense against the word of God. He stands beaten at the very mention of it.

My human side says, “I just have such trouble with memorization.” What a lousy excuse for me to use. Challenge brings hard work and hard work brings gain -- nothing better to gain than the word of God in my heart. If I do not memorize his word what defense do I have against Satan’s temptations?

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Father, thank you for your mighty weapon in my war on sin. Help me to stop and yield this weapon in the midst of the battle instead of trying to go to war in my own strength. Amen.


Susan P.

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