Kindness Personified

Kindness Personified

A kindhearted woman gains honor…but blessed is the one who is kind…

…whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

Proverbs 11:16a, Proverbs 14:21b, Proverbs 14:31b


Little did I know when I met my neighbor on July 4th how much I would need her help on December 4th. 

Fireworks popped, boomed, and crackled the first July 4th in our new home. I went outside to check out the goings on and noticed several other people out watching as well. After introducing myself to our across the street neighbor, I visited with her as we watched.

Fast forward to December 4th. I rushed into my kitchen to make some Christmas goodies for an upcoming event. In my hurry and carelessness I cut the base of my little finger with a knife. As the blood spurted out I knew without a doubt I needed stitches.

From my window I could see Reina and her family putting up their outside Christmas lights. Grabbing paper towels, I ran over to ask the location of the nearest Urgent Care intending to drive myself there. As she started answering my question she realized what I had done. Her response, “Get in the truck!”

Reina grabbed more paper towels and some water bottles, and off we went. She stayed with me, helped me fill out the paperwork, and engaged me in conversation to calm my nerves during the stitches. She sacrificed her family time to take care of me. 

Sometimes helping others may lead to some sacrifices on our part, but the Bible says that in doing so we “honor God.” Reina certainly honored God that day by helping me out. I will always be grateful to her and to God for providing me with such a considerate neighbor.   

God, thank you for instructing us to be kind in your Word. Thank you for allowing us to honor you in that way. Help me to have my eyes open when a need arises and to show kindness as willingly as my neighbor did.


Susan P.

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