Strongholds Be Gone!

Strongholds Be Gone!

I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall, I well remember them and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope. Because of the Lord we are not consumed for his compassions never fail.

Lamentations 3:19-22


As we discussed breaking down walls and strongholds in Bible study that morning I looked down at my hand. A recent surgery and stitches on my right little finger left behind some major scar tissue.

You would not think it would be that big of a deal, but that rock hard tissue made my finger resistant to flexing and bending the way it had been designed. 

As I sat there, I realized any walls I have built up on the inside because of past emotional wounds also keep me from functioning the way God designed me. Those self-imposed barriers keep me from operating spiritually, emotionally, and sometimes even physically in the way God desires. This defense mechanism can make me resistant to his will for my life.

If I need Occupational Therapy -- massage, heat, exercises, and electrical stimulation to dissolve the tough scar tissue in my finger, what does it take to break down the strongholds of bitterness, shame, and defeat in myself?

Lamentations says “yet”. “YET, this I call to mind.” What do I call to mind? The Lord and his compassion. “Because of the Lord we are not consumed for his compassions NEVER fail. THEREFORE I have hope.

I have hope, I have faith, I have assurance that my compassionate God will overpower my strong walls of defense if I allow him to do so. He smashes them while lovingly guiding me through the process. He replaces those old callouses with forgiveness and love. He will do it for all of us if we just ask.

Oh, Father, You want us to be whole. You do not want bitterness to consume us. Break down our walls with your compassion. Amen.


Susan P.


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