All in Comfort

Contagious Wounds

Through tears, she told me that her marriage was over. Her husband filed for divorce and the shock and grief shattered her. “Wounds are contagious”, she said. Heartbroken, I prayed for her and looked for ways to minister to her, and my mind revisited that phrase over and over: Wounds are contagious.

I Remember

A friend’s daughter posted on social media that she had been pregnant and lost the baby. My heart hurt for her. I know in part how she feels. I have miscarried twice. I remembered those feelings from long ago.


Albert György created a statue to portray his intense grief after the death of his wife. The statue, called Melancholy, is located in Geneva, Switzerland. If you haven’t seen it, look it up. It’s been said the statue’s bowed head, huge hole in the torso, and missing pieces of flesh and muscle express as nothing else the feeling of deep, consuming grief.

The Sounds of Silence…When God Tells Who God Is

The endless cacophony between Job and his four friends is over and God essentially tells Job to be still: who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?” Indeed! And with that the LORD beckons His servant Job (42:7,8)—servant having the connotation of the one I trust, who worships me (Strong’s)—to come in close: “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). You see, Job had to step away from his circumstances to know the One who was in control.

God, Where Are You?

How had his world collapsed so quickly? Only days before, Jacob had lived a life of security, comfort and ease. Now he was running for his life in an unfamiliar land. Jacob’s brother wanted him dead. Jacob had lied and deceived his father.