Think About It

Think About It

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable –if anything is excellent or praiseworthy –think about such things…And the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4: 8 & 9b


What thoughts run through our minds during this time of a pandemic! Whoever would have dreamed something like this virus would happen during our lifetimes? We can so easily sink into a state of depression.

Thankfully, though, God provided his Word for us to cherish, not just during these hard times, but always. He, through the pen of Paul, tells us exactly what we should think about right now – that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. 

Paul knew a thing or two about suffering and danger. Prison, beatings, hunger became common occurrences in his life after his conversion to Christ. In light of all those circumstances, Paul still penned those encouraging words.

What is true and noble? God is. What is right and pure? His Word.  What is lovely? The world he created so purposefully. What is excellent and praiseworthy? Once again, God is! Praise his name forever! 

Think on him. Run to him for answers in these times of crisis. Thank him for all the blessings he has given us even in these unsettling times – our families, our friends, our churches, to name a few. 

And the God of peace will be with you. The God of peace will be with me. He will calm us and reassure us no matter what goes on around us. 

Look to him, dear sisters, look to him. 

Lord, in these times of uncertainty take away our fear. As we look to you and your praiseworthiness, give us your peace. We praise your holy name! Amen.


Susan P.


Jars of Clay…hope when perplexed

Jars of Clay…hope when perplexed

