The True Meaning of Encouragement

The True Meaning of Encouragement

And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

I Thessalonians 5:14


Years ago, I was called to an advising position, where my key role was to encourage and train women who were teaching the Bible. I was excited about the role of encourager. Having taught the Bible for many years myself, I knew how much these women needed someone to come alongside them with words of encouragement. 

Initially, I viewed my role of encourager as that of affirming the teachers, pointing out those meaningful truths they had taught, emphasizing their effective techniques in teaching, etc. But I soon came to learn that encouraging others involves way more than words of affirmation. 

The spiritual gift of encouragement or exhortation (the Greek word “parakaleo”) is identified in Romans 12:8. “Para” means alongside. “Kaleo” means call. And so, parakaleo literally means “to call alongside.” Considering its use in the New Testament, it means to encourage, but also to admonish, warn, help, or strengthen. One pastor said the word parakaleo is illustrated every time he watches one of his parishioners trying to teach a child to skate. The mother or father skates with their child, holding on to them the entire time, while instructing and encouraging them. 

The longer I remained in my advising role, the more I understood that encouragement includes not only identifying strengths in others, but also developing strengths. It includes not only emphasizing what is done with excellence, but also lovingly guiding away from that which is less than excellent. After all, our Lord is deserving of excellence from His servants!

What kind of encourager are you? Are you quick to notice strengths in others and affirm them? Will you pray for God to give you words of encouragement or admonition to develop godly strength in others? What can you do to build up the body of believers so that our Lord is served in excellence?

Lord, use our words to lovingly affirm, strengthen, and uphold your people. 


Jan Burkhart

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