

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 

I Peter 4:9-10

A small rock sits on my kitchen window sill as a reminder of a recent summer day. I attended a prayer gathering on our downtown square. 

Although now modernized with concrete accents, marble memorials, and a large fountain, childhood memories flooded my mind that day. The historic Carnegie library, bustling department stores, banks, offices and movie theaters once lined the red brick streets. The bench-lined park across the street from the courthouse was adorned with large oak trees. My childhood memories also brought back images of simpler times when life seemed to move more slowly, especially in the summer. 

While the crowd peacefully gathered that day, as city and county officials came to speak and pray, I sat between two ladies. We were racially diverse but as women typically do, we smiled and began to engage in small talk. We shared tidbits about our lives and the lives of our families. 

After a while, the conversation changed to more serious matters. We agreed that, during the present time of testing in our country, our faith in Jesus Christ is our only anchor and hope while living in a pandemic and political and social unrest. 

The three of us agreed, however, that we were optimistic about the future and knew our country could survive—and even thrive—during this time in history if communities come together in the spirit of love and reconciliation.

The older Black lady then asked my name. She took two small rocks and a marker out of her purse and wrote my name on one rock, the date and a scripture. The scripture she chose was, “I build my church on this rock.” (Matthew 16:18)

She then began singing an old song about “Jesus is my rock.” While holding two rocks in her hands, she tapped them together making them percussion and rhythm instruments. The young lady and I joined her in singing the praise song. 

As the program began, we said our goodbyes and took the obligatory “selfies” before we parted. Surely, the spirit of unity and the camaraderie found through Christ remained with us as we created that new memory. I know, I’ve got the “selfies” to prove it!

Jill Hendrix

Sweet Water

Sweet Water

