All in Friendship

Walking with Believers

Man was not created to walk alone. God created each of us to walk with Him. He also designed us to walk with others. In Genesis 1 God declared all He created to be good. But then God identified something as not good. God said, It is not good for the man to be alone… (Genesis 2:18).

Taking Offense

My five-year-old grandson did not appreciate me good heartedly teasing his baby brother about spitting up all over his bib. “That’s what bibs are for!” he scolded me indignantly. I tried not to giggle at him and thought it quite sweet for him to take up for his brother.

A Friend Who Sticks

Let’s zoom in on a snippet of a mutual friend’s experience…

Decades ago, young Ellen’s forehead and gums erupted frequently with large, painful boils. Itchy dandruff patches covered her scalp. Classmates taunted her, adding to her shame.

Stop and Help

Have you ever stopped to help someone, but then later realized you were the one who was blessed?

My husband is a salesman. He walks in and out of hospitals all day in hopes of making connections that will ultimately save a patient’s life. He knows every back stairwell, fast elevator and good area for cell service.

Walking with Believers

Man was not created to walk alone. God created each of us to walk with Him. He also designed us to walk with others. In Genesis 1 God declared all He created to be good. But then God identified something as not good. God said, It is not good for the man to be alone… (Genesis 2:18).