Kingdom Living

Kingdom Living

 “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”

Luke 17:20-21

In the understanding of many, we enter the Kingdom of God only when we enter Heaven.

However, the Bible teaches Christ followers that Jesus sent us out to proclaim the kingdom of God in the world now. We have the responsibility and privilege of inviting people to live under God’s authority in every part of life. But as we proclaim this message, we should live it by acknowledging God’s reign over all of our life. 

Theologian and leadership trainer, Dr. Mark D. Roberts, wrote this prayer:  

Yet, we recognize that your kingdom is both here and not here. It is, indeed, already and not yet. Thus, we yearn to experience more fully your reign on earth….your sovereignty, your justice and your peace. May your kingdom come, Lord!

Rather than living under the assumption that the Kingdom is found only in Heaven, choosing to live with the perspective that our body, mind and soul already dwell within the realm of God’s kingdom is actually exciting! A unique shift could occur in our perspective if our words and actions were wholeheartedly based on the belief that we are living in the kingdom now—even before our life ends here on earth.

Our words, plans, actions, and thoughts would change. We might begin establishing dreams and setting goals in ways that are contrary to the definition of earthly success. A life of mediocrity and comfort might transform to a deeper and more meaningful existence for you and your loved ones.

Frustration about our ongoing battle between the flesh and the Spirit might lessen if we realized that every thought was also recognized by the saints and angels and Holy Spirit.

T. W. Hunt and Melana Hunt Monroe wrote the book, From Heaven’s View, based on the rich thesis that if we change our outlook or view of Heaven, then every facet of life would change. The authors challenge the reader to see The Father as Jesus does, view Jesus from the perspective of the Holy Spirit, and to worship as Jesus worshipped.

Remember Jesus’ prayer. 

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10)


*Making Sense of Life by Seeing the World From Heaven’s View, T. W. Hunt, Melana Hunt Monroe, 2002, p 15.

Jill Hendrix

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