Kingdom Courage ~ Kairos Time

Kingdom Courage ~ Kairos Time

And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

Romans 13:11

The Greek word, kairos, means the opportune time is now. 

Dr. Tony Evans, founder and pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, Texas, outlines his views of a Kingdom Disciples living in the present day culture.

A Kingdom disciple is a person who reflects the values of Heaven in the decisions that have to be made on earth. They’re not just dipping in and out of the Christian faith. They’re not believing the parts of the Bible that work for them and ignoring the parts of the Bible they don’t like. No, because they’re under full time authority! *

Friends, in a nutshell, talk is easy; but having the courage to live as a Disciple of Christ is guttural and requires courage to examine one’s lifestyle.

Disciples of Jesus Christ today must be identified as those who have decided to rise above mediocrity.  

Are you ready to take advantage in this present kairos moment in our history? The time is now for believers to walk out our their days as committed disciples—just as the first group of disciples. After Christ’s ascension into Heaven, they courageously followed their Teacher King’s instructions to spread the first Church across Asia Minor. And they succeeded! 

They were brave and bold. Their talk and their walk were the same. With little concern about their own safety, they spoke boldly about the Savior King—the Savior King they had known personally. Many of the disciples experienced the visceral meaning of the phrase—to die is gain—as they were eventually martyred. Their entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven was surely glorious!

To live as a Disciple of Christ means to deny oneself and take up your cross and follow Jesus. (Luke 9:23)

Believe it! Own it! Live it! The time is now!

Reflection in Prayer: Father, help me to wake up and realize that now is the time to live courageously as your Kingdom Disciple.

Jill Hendrix
*Judgment in God’s House, Dr Tony Evans, Sept 5, 2021.

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