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The Light of the World

I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me would not remain in darkness.
John 12:46 (CSB)

Our mature live oak trees suffered terribly during the severe winter last year. Barren and stunned by the record cold, the branches, which appeared to be dead, eventually began to sprout foliage in late spring and early summer. Green life appeared!

Since our trees survived, my decision not to plan outdoor Christmas lighting changed. The trees deserved to be our focus for a special celebration of Christ’s birth.

I wrapped strand after strand of white lights around the trunks and the largest limbs of the three oaks. The result was a glorious light display, which has brought us great joy.

In the Book of John, Jesus compares light to darkness. In fact, He identifies Himself as the Light of the World and invites people to live in His Light as a member of his family— as His children! (John 12:34-35)

Jesus is also the Light of Salvation! King David wrote Psalm 27 to declare God’s great light in his own personal life. He proclaimed—“The LORD is my light and my salvation —whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1/NIV)

God sent his Son to the earth to be born, to teach us, and to prove his greatness by overcoming death on a cross. His resurrection proved The Light of the World came to save each of us!

Belief in Jesus Christ means to trust Him and continue your life journey walking with Him in true light every day. Understanding his glory by reading The Bible and being with others who love him will gradually bring understanding and light to your life.

Are you yearning for light in your life of darkness and uncertainty?

Eternal life and light is yours when you ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart. Knowing Christ is God’s greatest Christmas gift you can ever receive.

The choice is yours.

Simply receive God’s gift by praying this prayer to receive eternal life and light forever as Christ’s child:

Jesus, I am lost in darkness and sin. Please come into my heart and rescue me! I don’t know a lot about walking with you in your Light, but I receive your Christmas gift!

Now, worship—with great joy—our Savior King!—our Light of the World! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR5iwssnTn4

Jill Hendrix