You Shall Know the Truth

You Shall Know the Truth

…grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

John 1:17


I have a friend whom I greatly admire professionally. She is one of the best in her field. She has stated emphatically to me that she is not a believer in Jesus Christ, but she has also stated that she is searching for truth. More than once she has remarked that her mind is filled with questions and that she is frustrated, even angry about her lack of answers. She has determined to continue seeking answers to the big questions in life—answers that she says may never come. 

Believer, every day you and I encounter people who are just like this woman. They are looking for truth, they are looking for answers, but they are looking in all the wrong places. They are seeking man’s answers through science, philosophy, religion, etc. But these sources will never lead to truth. 

In his second letter to Timothy, Paul declared that the generation before Jesus’ return will oppose the truth. He says of them, they are always learning but never able to come to the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). Jesus identified Himself as truth. (John 14:6) And so, to reject Jesus is to reject truth.

Jesus declared, You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). A person who needs to be set free is a person in bondage. Jesus went on to explain that those apart from belief in Him are in bondage to sin. I look at my friend and know she is in bondage not only to sin, but also to frustration, anger, and emptiness. 

Does that describe you? Are you searching for truth? Are you tired of seeking answers and coming up empty handed? The search for eternal truth leads straight to Jesus Christ and the Word of God!  

Jesus, we praise you as the Truth. You open prison doors and set us free!


Jan Burkhart

Intentional Words

Intentional Words

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