Six Reliable Resources for Hard Questions

Six Reliable Resources for Hard Questions

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5

We all wrestle with tough questions at times. 

I’ve had this one surface lately: Does prayer change God’s mind? 

(The short answer is no. But then, we’re left wondering why should we pray?)

Through discussions and a lot of investigating, I’ve come to see this as the wrong question. 

We can get a more accurate and more satisfying answer if we break this into two questions:

  1. Does God change His mind?

  2. Does prayer change circumstances?

The answers (as I see them):

  1. God does not change His mind. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. 

  2. But yes! God often uses prayer to change our circumstances.

When you come upon one of these tough questions, by all means, pray. God delights in giving us wisdom — but we must ask according to our verse today.

And as Proverbs 1:1-6 tells us, sometimes we must seek understanding like we would hunt for buried treasure. That requires some digging.

Today, I’m sharing resources and links that helped me come to a better understanding about how God uses prayer to change our lives. You can use these same resources to search for answers to your questions. Does prayer alter the outcome of circumstances? Does prayer change God’s mind? Does prayer change things?

Ligonier Ministries Does prayer change things?

YouTube Tony Evans Praying to change God’s mind

YouTube Q&A with Tim Keller 

What are your hard questions? Ask God to give you wisdom. Then, use your resources to investigate your questions. Chances are, you’re not the first to ask these questions. 


Eleven Songs to Lift Your Mood and Your Faith

Eleven Songs to Lift Your Mood and Your Faith

Trust. Serve. Wait.

Trust. Serve. Wait.