God will Provide

God will Provide

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” 

1 Timothy 6:17


The trio is back…the mother, the father and their fledgling Cardinals. They regularly visit the platform bird feeder. I like to study their interactions. The fledgling softly chirps while fluffing and vibrating his feathers. Mom and Dad gather seed and pop it into his mouth until the ritual is complete. The youngster looks completely capable of feeding himself. After all, he’s standing among the same birdseed as his parents! Like me, though, he prefers to be fed rather than feed himself.

I’ve watched my own babies eventually grab their spoon and attempt to feed themselves. I assume the fledgling cardinal will too. Spring is only a few months away and he’ll need to nourish his own fledglings!

Feeding others is exactly what Jesus told us to do in his parting words about making disciples of all nations. However, to make disciples, we must first learn to feed ourselves. Only then can we begin to feed others who, in turn, learn to feed others with the truths of God’s Word.

Paul wrote to Timothy with this principle put into a command. He directed it toward the wealthy. And, if you’re reading this using any form of technology, you too are wealthier than most of our modern world’s inhabitants. What has Paul’s command us? He wrote to not be arrogant or put hope in wealth which is so uncertain. Instead, put hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

How comforting! Refocus on God. Hope in God. He’s the One who provides everything we need—all our birdseed, so to speak. In addition, He sends these provisions not just for our needs, but also for our enjoyment!

What physical and spiritual gifts have you enjoyed today? Thank Him for them. Acknowledge their source and then share these truths with another, who will share with another, and another and another until Christ returns and all will know! 

Linda Lesniewski


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