Mosquitoes and Mustard Seeds

Mosquitoes and Mustard Seeds

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It’s the smallest of all the seeds, but when grown, it’s taller than the garden plants and becomes a tree.

Matthew 13:31b-32a CSB

How often do you think about your pinky toe? Not very often, I would suspect. That is, until you stub and break it! Then, all you seem to think about is that toe. 

The smallest toe on your foot is still very important. Even though it is small, it helps to balance and push your body forward as you walk. 

Small part. Big impact.

What about the difference between an elephant and a mosquito? Which one has the greatest impact to its environment? I recently read a quote: “You describe the elephant by its size, but the mosquito by its impact. Even the smallest thing has an impact.”  

Mosquitoes’ buzzing seems insignificant, but they also spread diseases through one bite.

How many times have I questioned the impact that my meager contribution could have when it is measured against a huge problem, such as human trafficking, homelessness, or spreading the Gospel in the world?

I have believed the lie that what I could offer could not possibly make a single dent in any of these problems in the world.

Matthew 13:31 says, The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It’s the smallest of all the seeds, but when grown, it’s taller than the garden plants and becomes a tree.

Friend, we may feel so small, but every contribution we make, God uses. He multiplies our efforts to bring healing and beauty to the world around us, and to bring Him glory.

So, the next time you doubt your ability to make a difference, can I encourage you to remember the mosquito and the mustard seed? Think about all of us making contributions together being a buzzing nuisance to Satan, and bringing glory to God. He will take what we bring, multiply and use it to do great and wonderful things.  

Johna Clemons

Pruning for Purity

Pruning for Purity

