

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed…After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied…

Isaiah 53:5 & 11 NIV

A friend of mine gave me a beautiful lily potted plant during a Bible study. Afterwards I put it in the car and proceeded to go out to lunch and to two other meetings.

When I got back to my car, the lily was totally wilted. The once healthy white petals bent down almost to the bottom of the pot. They were totally limp. I was just sick and disgusted with myself for causing it to happen.

When I got home, I took the plant out of my car and put it in the house. Not knowing what to do, I left it on the kitchen island and hoped for the best.

In the morning when I went to check on the lily, the plant had revived. The beautiful white flowers once again raised up toward the sky. Elated and grateful, I thanked God for that second chance at beauty.

The damaged lily, took me to the image of Jesus’ limp body hanging on the cross. Friends and family stood at the foot of the cross in despair. The once vibrant Jesus no more seemed to exist. Not sure of what came next, his friends and family stood mourning.

Our sins (disobedience to God) put Jesus there. How hard that realization hits.

Picturing the restored lily, I see myself standing at the empty tomb in awe. It no longer holds a lifeless bruised battered body.

Jesus has risen from the dead! He has conquered death. He became the blood sacrifice for our sin. He restored our relationship with him. Elated and grateful, I thank God for that second chance.

Father, thank you for redemption from our sin. You provided the way. We believe Jesus bore our sins on the cross, died, and rose again. Hallelujah!

Susan Partida

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Do I Love Him Enough?

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