Voice in My Head

Voice in My Head

The one who enters the gate is the shepherd of the sheep…

He calls his own sheep by name and lead them out…

and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.

John 10: 2a, 3b, 4b (NIV)


 When our pastor started preaching from the book of Romans, we received stickers of a visual way to share Christ with others. I stuck mine in my Bible and promptly forgot about it. The day it fell out changed my life and eventually the life of someone else as well.

 On a Thursday about a month later the sticker slipped out of my Bible. I wondered where to put it. Immediately the thought came about it being the perfect size to fit on the back of my cell phone. I argued with “myself” about it, but finally conceded and stuck the sticker there.

 The very next Wednesday morning at our women’s Bible study I got to use that very same sticker to lead a woman at my table to Christ. That’s when I realized the argument, I had was not with myself, but with the Holy Spirit living inside of me. I had argued with God.

 God orchestrated which women would sit at that table. He designed for the other women and I to lead this woman to Himself. He gave me the gift of the sticker to use as a visual aid.

 What if I had not obeyed his voice? Would I have eagerly and confidently shared salvation with my friend? Would God have used someone else to do it thus allowing them that blessing instead of me? I do not know. What I did learn from this experience, though, was to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s leading. He knows what he plans to accomplish through his instructions. I will not assume I heard my own voice, but assume I heard his.

 Father, you are all knowing. Your plans have purpose. Help us to have our spiritual ears open enough to recognize your voice and obey it so others may be led to you.


 Susan Partida


What We’re Here For

What We’re Here For

Seasons: Day 5

Seasons: Day 5