God Meets Us in Our Wilderness

God Meets Us in Our Wilderness

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


As the Texas temperatures rose to triple digits, they were no match for the parched feeling I had in my soul. I had been searching for a job and with each final interview round came a “No” – leaving my hopes dashed.

Will I find purpose again? I poured out my heart on my morning walk. God, you said once I decided to follow you – “you would never leave me,” I prayed. But why do I feel abandoned?

As the rays emerged through the clouds, I tried to muster some joy in the beauty of the sunrise, but with each step it became harder. I felt alone and lost. God, what are you wanting me to learn from this season of life?

I wondered if the questions in my heart were like the ones Moses had as he looked at the Red Sea; Elijah as the weight of fear brought him to his knees; or Hagar as she wandered in the wilderness with a baby and few provisions.  I realized the one thing these people had in common—God met them in their wilderness and He had a plan. God told Moses to lift his arms and the seas parted; God heard Elijah’s heart and sent an angel; and God showed Hagar mercy and compassion.

If He could do that for them, would He not do it for me? Suddenly, I noticed the beauty of the sunrise and the sun as it touched my face. It was as if God was taking my face in His nail-scarred hands and reminding me to look up. If I wanted to work my way through my wilderness, I needed to have faith to continue to walk not knowing where the road leads.

Jeremiah 29:11 can be a blessing to us in our wilderness. It can feel painful when going through the wilderness, when all we want is relief. God doesn’t need us to have the answers to our questions, or to be perfect in our direction with each step.  We must stay focused on the One who has the answers and never leaves us no matter how long the journey. God will part our Red Sea in His perfect timing.


Mitzie Avera


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