Aging With Gratitude: Because of God’s Purpose and Grace

Aging With Gratitude: Because of God’s Purpose and Grace

. . . who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began,

2 Timothy 1:9 ESV


God’s purpose or ours. Which do we most want? 

Christ rescued us and invited us to live set apart for His sake—not because of anything we could do for Him. He accomplished this because of what He set forth before us by His matchless favor. This is true at all stages of life.

Our works, independent of God, promote pride and rulemaking. Grace invites love. Jesus is not interested in the little rules and our doing, doing, doing. He is interested in our loving Him with all our hearts. He wants to bless us through our love relationship with Him, not by our acts of service. Works will flow from grace and love.

We often struggle to maintain balance. Because grace and works are both desirable--when love leads. I grew up out-of-balance—like trying to stay on the balance beam during gymnastics but ultimately falling off. I strived to perform perfectly but didn’t experience God’s love and grace. God’s purpose, not my plans or efforts, keeps me balanced.

Jim Denison, Ph.D., pastor, and apologist, recently stated, “The highest purpose in life is glorifying God by helping others experience His transforming love and grace. This purpose will matter ten thousand millennia after this universe is gone. This calling changes eternity, every day.” No matter how old we are, this purpose is relevant. 

Thank You, Lord, for giving us Your purpose and grace that doesn’t depend on our efforts, youthfulness, or physical fitness. You gave both to all Christ-followers before You created any of us!


Karen Sims                       


Recall, Reminisce, Rejoice

Recall, Reminisce, Rejoice

Aging With Gratitude: God Perfects My Way

Aging With Gratitude: God Perfects My Way