Aging With Gratitude: God Perfects My Way

Aging With Gratitude: God Perfects My Way

God is my strong fortress, and he makes my way perfect.

2 Samuel 22:33 NLT


Walking is one of my favorite activities, but. . . one misstep years ago and I fell straight down into the dark, dirt basement. I was thirteen and foolishly walked onto thin sheet metal—placed to prevent accidents—that covered the opening for our future brick fireplace. Fortunately, one deep gash on my shin was the only injury I suffered.

I have walked my neighborhoods for physical and mental health since childhood. Hiking the Colorado mountains was commonplace. I continue to enjoy walking and hiking even though my pace has slowed, and I am not as sure-footed. Balance falters more often with aging.

Believers in Jesus Christ are to walk—make one’s way—continually in the newness of life: in the Spirit, in honesty, by faith, in good works, in love, in wisdom, and truth. There is no age limit for traveling with God!

My walk with God has been rocky, with numerous missteps, but He continues to make a way for me. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take (Proverbs 3:6 NLT).

Gracious heavenly Father, I am forever grateful for Jesus and His perfect walk while on earth. Thank You for being my strength and power. You make my journey complete and sound.


Karen Sims            



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Aging With Gratitude: Because of God’s Purpose and Grace

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