God Notices You: The Isolated

God Notices You: The Isolated

When Jesus stepped ashore, He was met by a demon-possessed man from the
town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had
lived in the tombs.

Luke 8:27

In some cities it is quite popular to visit graveyards and go on spooky tours. The city of
New Orleans has thousands of tourists that pay to go through their cemeteries to hear
stories of the past, admire the tomb’s architectural elements, and seek the suspense of
getting spooked while there.

Unlike in New Orlean, the Jewish custom was not to approach a graveyard because
they considered tombs to be impure. Jesus did not follow this custom. In the gospel of
Mark, he tells us how Jesus approached a demon-possessed man who was living in
isolation, tormented by the demons night and day, and he would cry out and cut himself
with stones (Mark 5:5).

Jesus noticed this man and commanded the impure spirits to come out of him. When he
saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at His feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What do
you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I beg you, don’t torture me”
(Luke 8:28)!

This man’s world of darkness was overcome by the Light, because God is light, in Him
there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

If you find yourself isolated or in spiritual darkness, call out to God, He notices you, my
friend. He is ready and willing to help.

Once God gives you that firm foundation, go and share what He has done.
That is what the once demon-possessed man did! He“went away and began to tell in
the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed
(Mark 5:20).

Thank You God, that when we cry out, You are there to help us in our isolation
and give us freedom!

Charity O

 Kingdom Living

Kingdom Living

God Notices You: The Skeptic

God Notices You: The Skeptic