When My Plan Doesn’t Work Out

When My Plan Doesn’t Work Out

“Speak, for your servant is listening.”

1 Samuel 3:10b CSB


“What if I can’t have a baby? What do I do with the rest of my life? That’s my purpose in life!” That was my prayer at the altar that day. My husband and I were facing the heartache of infertility.

Only a few times can I say I heard, without a doubt, the inaudible voice of God speaking to my heart. This was one of those times.

The weekend began with identifying our greatest burden. The thing that filled our minds and held our focus. I knew what mine was for sure! I’d growing up to be a wife and mom. Having been married a few years, motherhood eluded me.

But, Jesus didn’t. I heard Him speak truth to me. My prayer changed that day from, “Please let me get pregnant” to “Lord, if children are not to be a part of our future, then you must have a greater purpose than what I had imagined. I lay my fertility on the altar today for you to do with it what you want.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what to do every day of our lives? I want to be like Samuel when he laid down, listened and heard from God. His request to God was simple. “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10b).

Will you trust God with your purpose? Will you listen to His voice? It takes time and discipline to hear Him. Spend time with the Lord and His Word if you want to hear Him speak. He doesn’t hide His assignment from you, you just have to ask!

The burden of your purpose in life, every single day of your life, is His to carry. The responsibility we have is to get in a place where we listen.

Speak, Lord, for your daughters are listening. Open our ears and hearts so that we might hear and obey your voice.


Chris Adams



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