All Things Together

All Things Together

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 NIV


Consider a string of yarn. It may be a pretty color and seem strong. Yet, one strand by itself does not serve much purpose. On the other hand, weaving that strand with others makes it much more useful. The result can be a beautiful blanket, potholder, or poncho.  

A life by itself may seem like that single strand of yarn until other strands of experience weave their way in. God does not promise all these single experiences to be good, but as they are combined, good and bad work together to produce a beautiful life usable to God and his purposes.

God allows both positive and negative events in our lives. He promises to stick with us, mature us spiritually, and draw us to Himself.

A wise missionary friend used to say, “When the way is rough, God is developing your character.” I would laughingly reply that I would really appreciate it if He worked on someone else for a while. That's not a true statement, though. I would hate to think of God discontinuing to knit me together according to his plan.

“In all things God works…” What a comforting thought. We may have to seek his presence at the moment consciously, but whether we do or not, he is there. He weaves it all together into something beautiful.

Father, your Word says you make everything beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:10 NIV.) We love how you use all things for your plans and purposes. You do not leave us as one strand alone but continue to work for our good and your purposes. Help us to acknowledge your presence and look to you for “the good.” We give you all the glory, and honor, and praise!


Susan Partida



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