Hurry Up Spring!

Hurry Up Spring!

Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.

James 1:2-4


It’s spring now, but not too many weeks ago the cold of winter prevailed. If I’m honest, winter is truly my least favorite season. In spring I come alive with much more energy. It signals the warm, even hot days ahead. And though I love the colors of autumn, I do not like their reminder that winter is around the corner.

But, where would we be if we only had spring and summer? When would trees stand dormant, getting rest before their growing, fruit bearing season? They would not produce abundant harvests that come from those dormant months.

Stresses in life remind me of those long, gray winter days. I long for fruit that comes in the warm months, but I must wait to enjoy the harvest.

The James passage above reminds us what happens as we walk through testing seasons. When days are hard and the sun hides from our view, we can be growing! In seasons of struggle, we learn patience as we wait. We can faithfully stand on truth even when we do not see how or when the seasons will finally change.

When we’ve allowed Jesus to do His work in us through trials, our faith grows and we mature as followers of Christ.

Though I long for spring, the winter makes the spring even sweeter!

When we’ve endured a trial, or as we are continuing to endure one, we learn God provides everything we need. Our roots of faith go deeper than ever and the fruit that is produced as we mature is evidence of His faithfulness to a world that is desperate for hope.

Lord, forgive my complaints in the winter seasons and on hard days. Remind me you are at work growing my faith!


Chris Adams


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