Encountering Jesus- When the Storms of Life Come

Encountering Jesus- When the Storms of Life Come

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.  I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”  

John 11:40-42 NIV


Staring out the kitchen window, I watched birds gather on the feeder and dogs chase a squirrel up a tree. I was looking at today, but my mind was still stuck in yesterday.

The doctor’s confirmation of a rare autoimmune neuromuscular disease had left my mind swirling. The nurse’s words still echoed in my ears, “There’s no cure – the doctor hopes to stop progression with treatment,”.

I looked up at the sky and prayed, Lord, I needed a little heads up on this one. Even a Post It note would have worked.  I heard the Lord say, “I am with you. Paper flies away, but I stay.” I smiled imagining Jesus standing next to me at the kitchen sink.

I remembered the times my life had received a jolt from a phone call, text, or email. The phone call from my mom saying dad had a massive stroke; the text from a friend asking for prayers for an ill parent; and the email telling me that a family just lost their youngest child in a tragic accident. I am sure you have had your share of life shattering messages, too.

In life things may surprise us, but God is never surprised. He uses hard times and dark moments to draw us closer to Him. But it is that period of waiting that tests our faith.

My mind drifted to Mary and Martha as they waited for Jesus to come save Lazarus. When Jesus arrived four days after Lazarus’ death, their response was, an “If only...” How many, “If only” have I prayed? I thought. Jesus responds to my “if only” the same as he did to theirs, by asking, “Do you believe?” What He does next shows His glory.

When the storms of life come, remember that Jesus weeps with us moments before He orders the stone to be removed, allowing the restoration to happen. Life will not be the same, but we know we have the promise of God’s unfailing love.


Mitzie Avera


Encountering Jesus – Finding Peace in the Storm

Encountering Jesus – Finding Peace in the Storm

Encountering Jesus – Roses and Green Beans

Encountering Jesus – Roses and Green Beans