Encountering Jesus – Roses and Green Beans

Encountering Jesus – Roses and Green Beans

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Mark 16:15 NIV



I have always loved gardening. There is something about watching a seed sprout up through the dirt that I find amazing.

Growing up, I helped my grandfather with his vegetable garden. With my hair pulled back in a ponytail and gloves on, I headed to the fields. My grandfather’s garden was like no other I have seen. He worked in his garden beginning at sunrise until sundown each day, except Sundays. The garden was pristine, not a weed in sight, and it was bountiful.

One day he let me help plant green beans. Storm clouds were threatening, and it was important to get the seeds planted before the rain. Grandpa handed me two bags of seeds. He gave me instructions on how to plant so each row would be straight. With care I dropped the tiny seeds into the rows that Grandpa had carved out with a rake.

As the winds picked up and the smell of rain got stronger – we had to hurry! Grandpa was coming behind me covering the tiny seeds. My rows were all planted. With almost a half bag of seed left, panic set in. I had to empty my bag of seed somehow. So, I began tossing the seed in the air until my bag was empty.

The green beans I planted began coming up in the garden and - to everyone’s surprise --other places as well. My grandmother was picking roses from her prized rose garden when she noticed green bean vines traveling up the thorny rosebush. They found more beans in the shrubs and flower beds. The wind had scattered my seeds everywhere, and they were producing green beans where they landed.

Jesus tells us to spread the gospel wherever we go. When you tell someone about Jesus, you are planting a seed that will take hold and grow under the Master Gardener’s hand. God knows where every seed is scattered and, with His loving care, it grows.

Grandma cooked the green beans from the rose garden. As the beans simmered on the stove, I could smell a hint of roses coming from the pot. It still makes me smile when I see roses and green beans.


Mitzie Avera


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