Sense Out of Suffering

Sense Out of Suffering

My power is made perfect in weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9


Day after day, week after week, year after year I went to the nursing home to visit my mother. We couldn’t carry on a conversation, because the affect of dementia left her unable to speak. For years, she was unable to walk; and eventually, she was unable to move anything except her head. Some days I knew Mother was “there.” I knew she understood me and wanted to respond, but her illness prevented communication. 

Sometimes after a visit, I would sit in my car with tears streaming down my face and ask of God, “Why?” What was God’s purpose for allowing Mother to suffer for so many years? I’ve walked with the Lord for many years. I will say with no question marks that God is faithful. He can be no other way! I know that God is working in all things for His glory and our good. But when we can’t see the good, questions come.

Are you there? Is “why” a question you have asked of God? Is it difficult to see anything good coming from your situation? 

During Christmas, our family likes to put together a challenging puzzle. One Christmas, all the pieces were in place, but holes remained. After searching, no more pieces were found.  Then someone said, “I saw Duke (our chocolate lab) chewing over by the puzzle.” 

Like that puzzle, this side of heaven, the picture is going to have holes. This side of heaven we probably can’t make sense of suffering. But, believer, this side of heaven, we are people of faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). 

Perhaps you can’t make sense of your suffering, but you can trust God. My mother is now with Jesus. Looking back, I see God used those difficult years to refine my character. I pray His glory was revealed through me. In your difficulty, are you moving forward in faith and looking for God’s good purpose? 



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