

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5


My oldest daughter adopted a puppy a few weeks before her wedding. That puppy and I bonded during the weeks she stayed with us. When the newlyweds came back for their first visit, Darcy was beyond excited to see me. She ran around and around my feet, wrapping her retractable leash around my ankles. Before I could remove the leash, Darcy took off running, causing deep burns around both of my ankles. In time my ankles healed, but the scars remain. When I happen to focus on those scars, I think of “that day” and that dog.

Some of you also have scars, but they aren’t outward scars. They are emotional scars caused by some traumatic experience that changed your life. You lost a loved one. You were betrayed. You failed in spite of being confident you would succeed. And you find it impossible to forget “that day.” 

Scars form when wounds are deep. Physically, the body forms new collagen fibers to mend the damage. The new scar tissue has a different texture and quality than the surrounding tissue. Emotionally, the same thing happens. Deep wounds result a different quality of emotions. 

For some, the difference is bitterness, anger, or resentment. For others, deep wounds leave scars of shame, discouragement, or depression. But others who walk through deep hurt come out on the other side with newfound strength. Their joy is deeper, and their hope is unshakeable. 

There are times when I have become angry when wounded. Resentment became my companion, until I focused upon the Companion who was wounded for me. Jesus was pierced for my sins. By His wounds, I have been healed. By walking with the One whose scars are a testimony of love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, I am able to experience newfound strength, enduring joy, and unshakeable hope.

What about you? Will you place your hand in the nail-scarred hand and move forward in strength?



Three Women of Faith

Three Women of Faith

Seeing Jesus

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