Rest is more than a Nap! Rest in God Alone

Rest is more than a Nap! Rest in God Alone

I am at rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him.

Psalm 62:1 CSV


I often find the direction and comfort I need in the Psalms. King David penned the words of Psalm 62. The introduction mentions Jeduthan, a person or possibly a school or style of composition often used by David’s musicians. Imagining the possible rhythms and poetic Jeduthan style draws my heart deeper into its richness. 

I’ve leaned into Psalm 62 for weeks now, especially the introductory phrase, I am at rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him. Footnotes in my study Bible reveal a deeper meaning of “rest.” The Hebrew word, “dumiyah” expresses the idea of silence and rest in the sense of waiting on Yahweh and feeling secure that He will answer prayer and provide protection. Perhaps that’s the calmness I sometimes see in senior adults who have walked many years with the Lord.

A saintly missionary once strolled calmly through an international airport while we team members rushed past to make our tightly scheduled connecting flight. We were attempting to catch our breath at the terminal gate when he finally arrived. 

“So, why weren’t you in a hurry?” I asked. 

He replied, “Through the years, I’ve come to realize that rushing never seemed to make a difference!”

He had that “rest in God alone” aura about him. Occasionally, I see a glimpse of it in my own life. My prayer is that God will instill more “rest in God alone” calmness in the coming years. 

Father, I know that what I saw in the airport that day was the consistent fine-tuning work of the Holy Spirit in my friend’s life. Please do the same for me as I seek to experience more and more of David’s lifestyle of resting-in-You-alone.


Linda Les

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