Vulnerability: When You Feel Like A Tottering Old Fence

Vulnerability: When You Feel Like A Tottering Old Fence

How long will you threaten a man? 

Will all of you attack

as if he were a leaning wall 

or a tottering stone fence?

Psalm 62:3 CSV

When the kids were young, they often helped me prop up our aging wooden fence after a storm. We’d use the fallen limbs to steady it—until the next storm. More recently, my father’s old wooden corral needed propping up. My daughter wanted to clear it of undergrowth and overgrowth because it held such wonderful childhood memories. As she did, however, some of the boards dropped to the ground as we cut the vines. Others broke into pieces when we moved them. A few had already decayed into the soil leaving their rusty nails behind.

The Psalmist in Psalm 62 uses the analogy of feeling vulnerable like a leaning wall or a tottering stone fence, (or an old wooden corral?)—perfect targets for evil doers. He continues by acknowledging that evil doers take pleasure in their deceitful ways. Sometimes the deceit even takes the form of blessing others with their mouths while cursing them inwardly. 

How long will you threaten a man? 

Will all of you attack

as if he were a leaning wall 

or a tottering stone fence?

Psalm 62:3 CSV

Fortunately, David moved quickly to the remedy for those feelings of vulnerability.

Rest in God alone, my soul,

for my hope comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

My stronghold; I will not be shaken

My salvation and glory depend on God,

my strong rock.

My refuge is in God.

Psalm 62:5-7 CSV

Father, thank You that David recorded lessons he’d learned from You to instruct and encourage us today. Thank You for being a consistent source of strength, hope and refuge for us just as you were for David.

Linda Les

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