Pour it On Out! Transparent Prayers

Pour it On Out! Transparent Prayers

Trust in him at all times, you people,

pour out your hearts before him.

God is our refuge. 

Psalm 62:8


David pours out his heart before God in many of his psalms. Psalm 62 is unique, however, in that he is telling others to pour out their hearts to God because He is our refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 62 is a psalm of faith that doesn’t mention fear or despair. It doesn’t even make a specific request of God.

When was the last time you prayed like that? A year into the COVID pandemic has brought many people to that type of prayer as they watched their loved ones suffering—or as they personally struggled with the virus. 

I have poured out my heart many times recently for my friend suffering from stage four cancer. Disbelief and despair gripped my heart as I prayed, until I remembered that God was my refuge as well as hers. Consultations, decisions and goodbyes to share with those she was temporarily leaving behind could have easily led to despair. Only practicing pouring-out-your-heart-before-him prayers can prepare someone to confront such a crisis. Because my friend had practiced finding refuge in God through the previous challenges of life, she knew how to find refuge in Him when she needed it the most—as she prepared to meet Him face to face.

She is there now, safe, eternally in His care. She trusted in Him to show her the way so that He would be glorified in her journey of faith in Him. 

As I poured out my heart before Him, I found His refuge and comfort, Knowing that she, too, was pouring-out-her-heart-before-Him strengthened me. I knew He would be her refuge.

He can be your comfort and refuge, too, as you pour out your heart before Him.


Linda Les

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