Nighttime Meditations

Nighttime Meditations

When I think of You as I lie on my bed,
I meditate on You during the night watches
because You are my helper;
I will rejoice in the shadow of Your wings.
I follow close to You;
Your right hand holds on to me.

Psalm 63:6-8 CSV


King David ran from his enemies more than once. Perhaps he wrote the words of Psalm 63 while running from an angry King Saul. Maybe, he wrote these thoughts while fleeing from his own son, Absalom. Both scenarios seem awful! I’ve driven through the Judean wilderness in an air-conditioned bus. I’ve also viewed it from the ruins of Masada, King Herod’s winter palace. Both times the wilderness appeared formidable. Thoughts of hiding there terrify me.

If I read Psalm 63 from that perspective, David’s thoughts make no sense to me. However, when I read David’s words from the perspective of a person who had learned to trust in God explicitly, I’m able to understand the source of David’s confidence and courage.

David was awake during the night watches—either keeping watch or unable to sleep. He probably gazed into the brilliant heavens of the desert night, awed by the testimony of their Maker. His bed? Perhaps it was simply his cloak atop soft sand with his arm for a pillow. Because David saw his God as his helper, he was at peace. In the morning he may have watched birds sailing on the warm air currents then feeding and sheltering their young under their wings. David sensed that same type of covering from His own heavenly Protector. 

I’ve seen Ibex roaming the wilderness with their young close by their side learning how to navigate the outcroppings. I wonder of David felt like those youngsters as he, too, followed closely by his Heavenly Father’s side learning His ways.

As I think about David’s phrase, your right hand holds on to me, I wonder, what prompted that imagery? Was it the memory of an older brother holding his hand as they searched for sheep lost in rough terrain? Perhaps his companions held hands as they lowered one another into ravines searching for water or a new hiding place. Whatever its source, the memory must have brought him comfort. It does for me. I’ve loved having my hand held since childhood. Sometimes I actually hold my own hand as I think about God holding it. As David composed his song, was he writing of spiritual truths exemplified by the physical realm or using earthly examples to demonstrate spiritual truths? Perhaps both? 

David knew how to spend his wakeful nighttime moments meditating on his God. I like to imagine that he soon dropped off into peaceful sleep. As I lay awake at night, I learn from David that I can do that too.

Linda Les

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