Best Advice

Best Advice

“I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”

Genesis 41:16

Who do we run to when a problem arises? Do we go to a trusted friend, our spouse or other family member, a neighbor? Often times when seeking answers, we do not exactly know where to turn. 

Because of Joseph’s reputation for wisdom and honesty in responding to inquiries about dreams, Pharaoh sought him out. Joseph, instead of taking credit for his past explanations, gave credit where credit was due – to God. Joseph also assured Pharaoh that the interpretation of his dreams would also come from God.

Having godly people with whom to discuss our problems can bless us immensely. When those same dear ones point us to our omniscient Heavenly Father for solutions, they point us in the right direction.

Pharaoh discussing his dreams with Joseph did not take away the reality of the severe famine soon coming upon the land. Asking for God’s wisdom and obeying it certainly did give Pharaoh an advantage in preparation for the famine.

None of us are guaranteed an easy problem-free life. I am sure Pharaoh would have preferred not to go through a famine. The verse in Genesis did not say God would give Pharaoh the things he desired. It said God would give Pharaoh the answer he desired. He gave Pharaoh a plan so that not only himself, but also his people would survive. Not only would his people make it through, but he would have enough to share with others in need.

God had a bigger plan for that famine than either Joseph or Pharaoh could have imagined – keeping his promises to Abraham and bringing the children of Israel one step closer to the promised land which ultimately leads us all one step closer to Jesus. 

Father God, we trust in you for solutions. Thank you for honoring our questions with those answers in your perfect timing. 

Susan P.

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