A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere…

Psalm 84:4 & 10a (NIV)

 Sometimes you could describe me as “rebellious.” I love nothing more than a good walk around the neighborhood talking to God, but when a Bible Study book instructed me to do so, I had little enthusiasm. I liked it better when it was my own idea.

 Deciding to do it, I half heartedly spoke the prayer the book suggested and started off. Despite my attitude, God still spoke. I had not gone far when I saw a yard flag which read, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” Immediately the Mr. Rogers’ song with those same words sprang into my mind and I started singing it silently. The end of the song asks if you will be his neighbor.

 God also invites us into HIS neighborhood. Unlike Mr. Rogers though, God has the ability to not only makes us his neighbors, but also his sons and daughters. We can become part of his family if we believe in him.

 God’s neighborhood is beautiful not because of its physical characteristics, but because of its spiritual implications. The Bible tells us he is our refuge, our strength, our stronghold. In this world everything may not be “peachy keen” as we used to say, but we can survive triumphantly through a relationship with him.

 His neighborhood also has beautiful eternal benefits. We can live with him after our bodies play out, forever, in Heaven. The Bible describes Heaven as having mansions and streets of gold, but more importantly we are in the very presence of God. Glorious!

 It IS a beautiful day in God’s neighborhood because of his presence. He wants us there with him. I have accepted the invitation to join him. What about you?


God, thank you for the blessings of a relationship with you – here on this earth and forever. Thank you for the invitation into your neighborhood.


Susan Partida

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