Meeting the Need

Meeting the Need


His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  

2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)


My neighbor texted me to ask if we had nets to cover the two fruit trees in our backyard to protect them from the anticipated winter weather. I have to admit, I had not even thought about how the cold temperatures could bring death to our trees.

Not long afterward, here she came with netting, an old sheet and everything else we might need to keep those trees from freezing. She even stayed and helped us get those trees covered in the proper way. We begged her to let us pay her, but she refused.

What a great neighbor! She saw a need, knew she had the capacity to meet it, and set about doing just that. All we had to do was say yes.

We all have a need in our life because of sin (disobedience to God.) It causes separation from him and spiritual death. He comes to each of us, makes us aware of our it, and asks us if we would like for him to meet that need. He has the capacity to do so and he has paid the price.

God established many years ago that forgiveness of sin necessitated a blood sacrifice. Then he proceeded to provide the sacrificial lamb, his own Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus rose from the dead and after appearing to his followers with instructions, he went back to Heaven. When we confess our sins and invite him into our lives and hearts, we are given the Holy Spirit to help us further navigate this life with him.

God sees our need. God already has the provisions to meet that need. He comes to each of us individually to make us aware of our need and his provision. All we have to do is admit it and say yes.

All-powerful God, thank you for your provision of Salvation. Thank you for providing the Way, the Truth, and the Life through Jesus, your Son.


Susan Partida



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