Blind Trust

Blind Trust

This is what it means to trust God…

Hebrews 11:1 EASY


I enjoy the crazy ride of a roller coaster.

 All the surprises of things that you cannot see ahead of you… twisting and turning… ups and downs.

 But to ride them… it is a step of trust.

There is a similarity in the journey with God.

 It is a step into the unknown at times.

 A trust in someone I cannot see… to go places previously unknown to me.

 Let’s look at Abraham’s faith…

Abraham also believed God. When God told him to leave his home, he obeyed God. He left his home to go to another country, but he did not know where he was going. It was the place that God had promised to give to Abraham. (Hebrews 11:8 EASY).

 Abraham left a place he knew… to follow God who he cannot see… to a place he did not know.

 This is faith.

This is what it means to trust God: We will be sure about the things that we hope for. We will be sure in our minds about things that we cannot even see. (Hebrews 11:1 EASY).

 Do you have faith like that?

 A faith that causes you to trust… and a trust that causes you to have faith.

 This kind of trust that allows you to leave the things you can see, the things you know… behind.

 And follow the One you cannot see.

 As you read through Hebrews 11, there is a long list of people who trusted God whom they could not see… this is blind trust.

 This is how you and I are to follow Jesus today.

Do you walk by faith, not sight?

 If you do, you can trust… It will be a very interesting journey.

 Trust… and go where Jesus leads.

 Father, in the quiet of my heart, You speak to me teaching me in Your Word how I am to trust You. I am to have faith like Abraham. Stepping out in faith, trusting You, following where You lead. Help me do this. I can’t do this without Your help. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Stacy A. Davis

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