All in Quiet Time

Stories of the Faithful

My first job as a journalist was working the night shift at a newspaper, so part of my job was to write obituaries. The reporter I was replacing gladly handed me the obit basket. He didn’t like writing obits and even created a standard template so you could fill in the blanks. I remember looking at the basket and flipping through the forms. Sure, they had basic information, but—call it the inquiring mind of a rookie reporter, or a nudge from God—I wanted to know more about each person’s story.


I looked out the back door window enjoying the country view of pine trees.

 Something blurred my vision… I could see fingerprints.

 I had just cleaned the glass… but there they were… again.

 I recognized the hand pattern.

 Hmmm… I knew who the fingerprints were from.

 God has fingerprints…

New Growth

Walking through fields of beautiful flowers… amazing!

I don’t have to know much about gardening to enjoy it… thankfully.

I know that if mixed correctly, flowering plants, dirt, sun, water, time… out comes beautiful flowers!

God does the growing!

I don’t have to know all the details of how… I can just be amazed by the results.


In storms of life… fear escalates… becoming more intense.

When out of your element, in a storm, the enemy has an advantage… fear is a strong weapon.

Do you know what to do in that situation?