The Impact of One Woman

The Impact of One Woman

“Many…from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony…”

John 4:39 ESV


I am a life that was changed by one woman stepping into the life of one woman.

Her name was Carol, she was my mom.  She lost a courageous battle with aggressive cancer when she was 40. I was 23 and just had her first grandchild.  When she was 16, she married, leaving home and school to escape an unhealthy home life.  Shortly thereafter, she found herself hopeless with thoughts of suicide. It was that very day that Mrs. Jean, (sweet lady next door) came over for a visit and invited my mom to Church. For the first time, my mom heard about God’s love and gave her life to Christ. The women’s group welcomed her with open arms. They called themselves the Deborah class. They gave her a Bible and began to pour into her life. My mom began to thrive, and her life was changed. On a personal note: I am named Deborah Jean.

Because of that love and influence she did not raise her children the way she was raised, and she became our family’s first-generation Christian. Research indicates and statistics can prove that what happened to my mom growing up would also happen to me and be repeated in cycles for generations. However, research failed to factor the redemptive power of Jesus Christ at work in the life of one woman!  

 As a grieving, young woman with a new baby I found myself at a dark place in life. Then…one woman stepped into my life. She taught me how to walk with the Lord. She championed my faith.

One woman stepped into the life of one woman, and it changed the course of history. Since then, many women have stepped into the lives of many women and one by one lives have been changed, history has been altered and the gates of hell have been pushed back just a little.

One woman is of priceless value to God’s Kingdom, and YOU may be that woman!


Deborah Jean Stuart



Demonstrating Courageous Faith

Demonstrating Courageous Faith

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