Demonstrating Courageous Faith

Demonstrating Courageous Faith

Joshua 2 – The Story of Rahab


I never felt “good enough”. I have made mistakes. I have regrets. But I am thankful those things do not disqualify me from being used by God. I love how God chose certain women throughout scripture when He needed a job done. If you are like me, then you too want to be used by God and “picked” to fulfill his Divine Purposes.  For many of us that desire might also come with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.

The story of Rahab is found in Joshua Chapter 2, and it is well worth 5 minutes to read her story of questionable character and unlikely faith. Life was hard for Rahab, and she probably would have been voted most likely NOT to succeed.

I always dreaded when it was time to “pick teams” and “choose players” …. all the way back to Red Rover, Red Rover let Debbie come over. I never could break the line. I was always picked last for dodge ball. I told myself, “You are not good enough. Nobody wants you. You cannot do it.”

Rahab, by anyone’s standard was not good enough. Yet, the Lord picked her for a very important job.  I used to believe if God needed something important done, He would ask someone important to do it. You know the type, someone who has it all together. They have a great job, good kids, cute hair, clean house, she probably has dinner in the crock pot and loves to exercise! Lord knows she has every blank filled in, in her Bible Study workbook!

Rahab did not have it all together. She was a prostitute. But God saw in her what she only dreamed she could be – the perfect girl! And He sees the same in YOU!

Rahad acted in faith, and it changed the course of history. Our faithful behavior always affects those around us (as does our unfaithful behavior). I believe The Lord has a plan in play for your life and there will be important assignments along the way. What step of faith might the Lord be asking you to make today? Do not compare yourself to others or think that your past disqualifies you from being used by the Lord. IT DOES NOT! Move forward in faith and obedience and let Him do a great work in YOUR life.


 Debbie Stuart



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