Love and Grief

Love and Grief

…the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

Genesis 6:5-6


I remember my mother’s tears when she said goodbye to Pandy, her Rat Terrier. I also recall losing my first dog, Gigi. I have since kissed goodbye three additional special dogs. I am, unfortunately, all too experienced at saying these goodbyes! But, I was not prepared for six granddaughters to simultaneously wail so loudly that their mothers came running!

The girls had taken turns rocking and offering drops of milk to a tiny wounded bunny, delivered to them by our very proud Yorkie. Eventually, a text from the vet revealed that “BunBun” had no chance of surviving. Their tender hearts broke for the little life they had nurtured. These young girls experienced that dreaded emotion—Grief.

Two verses in Genesis capture a tragic example of God’s grief, a deep grief that had severe consequences for mankind:

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart (Genesis 6:5-6).

God the Father grieved in His heart for His wayward children. Most earthly parents, including me, have known grief over a child’s choices. The paradox of God’s grief and our grief is that it parallels the depth of our love. It was God’s love for mankind that not only drove His grief but also propelled Him to implement His plan to redeem those for whom He grieved. Because of His great love, He sent His Son as a sacrifice for our sin—the ultimate rescue.

Father, thank you that You moved beyond Your grief to provide a solution for our sins. Thank you that You are still capable of walking with us through our own grief and showing us how to trust You with it. Amen   


Linda Lesniewski                                                                   


*All verses are NKJV.



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