Pay Attention!

Pay Attention!

Joyful are people of integrity who follow the instructions of the Lord”.

Psalm 119:1 NLT


Recently on a short drive between adjoining towns in Texas, I became lost. The crazy thing was I had the directions in my hand. How did I get lost with directions in my hand?  I admit it – I am “directionally challenged”!  I do not have a good sense of direction.  I have even found myself in the men’s restroom, wondering all the while…how did I get here?  One reason I was lost (and in places I should not be) is because I stopped paying attention. According to the CDC we are a highly and easily distracted society.

In life, I have God’s Word that gives me direction, guidance, and instruction. So how is it that I have been lost, hopeless, and fearful? On my journey in Texas, I put my directions aside because I thought I knew what I was doing and where I was going. I became distracted and turned my attention to other things.

In the Bible, Moses had a similar experience. He was doing other things when God caused an extraordinary event to get this attention.  You may have heard of his “burning bush” experience. The Bible records in Exodus 3:4, “When the Lord saw that he had caught Moses’ attention God called to him from the bush”. I shudder to think how many times I have missed the Lord’s voice because I failed to pay attention.

If you feel lost or “off track” with the Lord, be encouraged that His attention is always on you. Unexpected circumstances and painful experiences can cause distraction and discontent. Perhaps you’ve been sidetracked at a hospital bed, or a doctor’s office, or in a court room. Perhaps it happened at a place you had to leave, or a place you had to stay. I have felt lost at a cemetery and in a prison visitation room.

Take a moment to redirect your attention back to the Lord and recommit your desire to follow Him.

But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer” (Psalm 66:19). NLT


Debbie Stuart



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