All in God's Will

When God Sends an Angel

Ladies, the rebuke of the unnamed “prophet” (Judges 6:8-10) sets the stage. The people cry out; God reminds them of the reason for the oppression, before coming to the rescue—perhaps a little like making sure my children understood why they were being punished before showing them mercy.

God’s Will

My husband and I were diligently seeking God’s direction in our business. After thirty-five years, we were weary and behind the technological times. We sensed that closing our business was ahead of us, but the timing was questionable. One day, this verse shouted to us: Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is with you…Do not be afraid or discouraged (I Chronicles 20:17).

A Thirsty Soul

The sad houseplant looked like how I felt. Forgotten, parched, brittle and malnourished. I had been so busy these last few weeks with all the responsibilities of keeping a family fed, clothed, and content, that I’d neglected that plant. I rushed it to the sink like a heart attack victim to the ER. Refreshing water flowed, but the soil was so hard and dry that the life-giving liquid just ran off into the sink. No matter how heavy the flow or how long the water ran, it just poured off the surface, wasted and unappreciated. I finally placed the weary plant in a pan of water to soak and hoped that the leaves would rise, the color would return, and the plant would be vibrant again.

What Are You Searching For?

The other day I was taking off my jewelry, and I must have pulled too hard on my ring. It flew off the end of my finger when I pulled it over my knuckle. I heard it hit the carpet. I immediately got on my hands and knees to look for my ring. I must have looked for 20 minutes before I decided to stop and try again later. After looking later, I still could not find my ring. I knew it was there, and I also knew that I would find it with continued searching.

No Coincidence

A few months back I came to an intersection. As I looked to my right, about 100 yards down the road, a truck was spinning out of control and came to a stop just off the road. He apparently had a tire blowout. As I watched, one of his wheels came hurtling towards me, rolling and bouncing all the way. As it got closer, I eased forward a little, and it crossed the road about 15 feet behind my car.

The Simple Things: Ask

Ladies, there’s that word remain again; only this time it’s coupled with an invitation to ask. Not just to ask though—to ask whatever you wish. Seems simple. I’m more than willing to ask for what I wish; but not so fast—lots of hidden innuendo in Jesus’ words.