You Know Me So Well!

You Know Me So Well!

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me –

John 10:14

After birthdays and holiday celebrations I have to admit I gather up the collapsible gift boxes to use again. I store them in an under-the-bed box so I know right where to locate them when needed. My family good naturedly teases me about it.

Even still, I could not believe my ears when I heard these words came out of my 5 year old grandson’s mouth after one such celebration: “Tida! Don’t throw that bow away! We can use it again next year!”

Although I do not save the bows, I knew he had picked up on my “reusing things” attitude. It warmed my heart. Those same words might have come from me. He knows me so well!

God wants us to know him that well and even better. He wants us to spend enough time with him for us to hear the words of his heart and be able to speak them to others.

Fortunately, we do it the same way my grandson has come to know me. We hang out together. He knows my favorite color, what I like to eat and what I do not really care for. I know the same about him. It is not a one-sided relationship at all.

“Hanging out” with God and his Word gives us direct insight into his character. We know his thoughts, and he knows ours, as well. Because of our time together, when we speak to others about him, we can speak his heart with confidence.

My grandson knows me pretty well, but as he matures and we accrue more time together, he will know me even better. Our personal God encourages us to do the same with him.

God, thank you for allowing us to know you and your heart. We so value our relationship with you and yours with us. Help us to share you with those around us so they too can experience that same relationship.

Susan Partida

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