All in Comfort

God Knows

I have one dear “sister friend” who often says the comforting words, “God knows.” She doesn’t know these two words are a treasure to me. I don’t tell her, but I remember the specific times she has said them to me when her words were a gift.

Heavenly Home

A silent nursery waited to receive the little one who would never come.

As I stood in the muddy cemetery, rain clouds building all around, I knew this was the first step of healing for the young family before me. The little casket sat next to a teddy bear. The mom, wearing a light pink dress, worshiped in the front row as her husband led the small gathering in “Amazing Grace.”

Compassion—Not Answers

Dear struggling friend,

My heart aches for you. I understand a measure of your pain. My pain may be different than yours and caused by different things, but I’ve been hopeless and paralyzed by fear. I’ve been in the depths of grief, depression and despair. Dark thoughts have consumed me, I couldn’t function, and I believed nothing would change. People’s words bounced off me, written words, even the Word, meant nothing. I looked at others and asked myself, “how can they go about their lives like everything is okay?” More than once—and yes—even as a follower of Jesus.

Unhappy Holidays

December ushers in the Christmas season. Everyone is wonderfully happy and selfless, or so the retail marketers and filmmakers would like us to believe. The commercials and movies show pictures of smiling people baking Christmas cookies and selecting the perfect gift. All the houses are elaborately decorated both inside and out. A mound of gifts waiting to be opened lies under a beautifully adorned Christmas tree as the problem-free family congregates.

Light in a Jar

They’re back! There’s one. There’s another. Look over there. I see it too! The lightning bugs had returned to brighten the evening hours. The girls squealed with amazement at the sight, and my own mind went back to childhood days when we ran to catch them in Mason jars then marveled at the twinkling container. 

Be Intertwined

While fishing on a river near flood stage, my husband noticed what appeared to be red leaves floating at a distance. But upon close inspection, he discovered instead that each red patch was composed of thousands of ants intertwined. Heavy rains had washed the ants out of their homes. They were holding onto each other and floating in order to survive. When Don splashed water on the ants, the water bounced off. These ants were averting disaster by remaining close to one another. 

Jesus is the Way

Jesus spoke earlier in John 8:12, “…I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The light Jesus provided for Thomas has continued to light the way for His followers throughout the centuries.

The God of Comfort

How does God comfort His children? How does God comfort you? I imagine the answers to those questions are as varied as the life situations that bring the need for comforting! I experienced a very serious illness this past year and discovered that I consistently needed God’s comfort during the quiet of the night. I experienced few distractions to my physical and emotional suffering during those hours. It was just God and me—alone with my need for comfort. So, how did God ease my distress as I actively sought Him?

Contagious Wounds

Through tears, she told me that her marriage was over. Her husband filed for divorce and the shock and grief shattered her. “Wounds are contagious”, she said. Heartbroken, I prayed for her and looked for ways to minister to her, and my mind revisited that phrase over and over: Wounds are contagious.

Goodbyes are not Forever

Most bibles include maps with colored lines detailing Paul’s travels. The lines wind from city to city, port to port. Within a few sentences found in Acts, we glimpse the depth of the relationships Paul established among the groups of believers comprising the early church. In Acts 20, we see Paul rushing to make it to Jerusalem for the day of Pentecost. Instead of stopping in Ephesus, he invites the leaders of the church to meet with him for some final words of encouragement.